SmartVault Parent Revs Up 20 Percent

Daniel Rabie, GetBusyGetBusy, which owns document management supplier SmartVault, expects to report revenue for 2018 will be approximately $14 million, an increase of 20 percent over the prior year. The figure was reported on a constant currency basis.


Software as a Service (SaaS) Back to the Time Sharing Future

Once upon a time, long, long ago, there was a world, almost forgotten now, where only a few people knew how to type. Since then, computer use has grown exponentially and the range of computer device sizes would make a clothing store proud. Almost everyone is learning how to type so they can, if they choose, use some small percentage of the hundreds of thousands of computing applications available.

One of the ways we used computing applications back in the 1960s was dubbed “Time Sharing.” This system enabled the use of a terminal (keyboard and paper or keyboard and monitor) to send an electronic signal from the terminal connected to a telephone modem connected to a telephone line that would support transport through telephone cabling to a modem connected to a large computer in some other location. Time-sharing gave users access to applications and computing power that could be used as needed. Fees for this service were typically determined by minutes of connect time or on some contractual basis.


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