
The Progressive Accountant

2017 BSI Top 100 VARS

2017 BSI Top 100 VARSThe last year has been one of change—the cloud has moved from being something everyone talked about to something most resellers are doing something about. It is also a market facing rapid automation through related technologies such as artificial intelligence, bots and machine learning. As usual, this year’s Bob Scott’s Top 100 VARs provides the names of dealers who are at the top of the mid-market in revenue. But they are a group that is rapidly changing how they operate.

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Sage Extends Summit Early-Bird Fee

Sage has extended the early bird price for its Summit conference by a month. The original cutoff for the $199 pricing was originally March 15, but has now been extended to April 4 for the event to be held from May 9 through 11 in Atlanta.


Abila Adds Features to netForum Pro

AbilaAbila has introduced significant new features to its cloud-based association management system, netForum Pro. The additions include integration with the company's MIP Fund Accounting, accomplished via a financials export CSV filet format.


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