Mary Ellen Biery

Retaining Top Female Staff

Women made up a slightly larger share of partners at CPA firms last year than they did the previous year, but there's still room for improvement, according to industry consultant Marc Rosenberg.
The latest Rosenberg Survey, set to be published in mid-December, found that 16.4 percent of partners at the nearly 400 accounting firms surveyed were female, Rosenberg said in an interview.


How to Discourage Client Price Shopping

shopping cash bagDo clients ever tell you they've priced-shopped your services? Do they ever leave with no explanation, maybe because they were price focused? Or are you worried you'll have to lower your prices or continue to forgo increases in order to retain good customers?


A Way to Become a Trusted Advisor

If you could plant a seed this busy season that would help you grow your business the rest of the year, would you do it? Many accountants have found that they can quickly show clients they are more than tax preparers by providing something nearly all business owners want and need: feedback. Providing feedback is an easy way to offer value-added services that can deepen your client relationships and help transform you from tax accountant to trusted advisor.


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