
The Progressive Accountant

Priming the Pump: Preparing Clients for Services Beyond Tax Prep

Priming the Pump Cover

Every conversation you have with your client about tax issues represents an opportunity to offer financial services by emphasizing your expertise and deepening the
relationship with the client.

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Three Minnesota Preparers Sentenced

dojThree tax preparers, who stole identities, filed bogus returns and looted clients' debit cards have been sentenced to prison. The three drew the prison sentences last month for their conviction on charges related to running a fraudulent tax business with multiple storefronts in the Minneapolis, Minn., area. They were part of a group said to have cost the government between $1.5 million and $3.5 million in lost taxes.


Thomson Reuters Kills Agile Tax

agiletaxThomson Reuters has dropped Agile Tax, its online tax preparation system that was designed for the tax-only office. The product was introduced in the summer of 2012 and was built on technology acquired by Thomson when it purchased the former TaxSimple line in August 2010.


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