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Xero Hands Out Partner Awards

Donna King, Beyond Balanced BooksKahuna Accounting was named Accounting Partner of Year for 2016 and Beyond Balanced Books was selected by Bookkeeping Partner of the Year by Xero this week. The cloud software held its awards event at Xerocon, its annual conference, in San Francisco. Xero also rewarded application vendors that link to its software.

Based in Bloomington, Ill., Kahuna provides accounting services to entrepreneurs and small law firms. Kahuna is headed by Frank Lunn, who created the Kahuna Business Group in 1995. Beyond Balanced Books, based in Morgan Hill, Calif., is owned by Donna King, who has operated it since May 2015. She is also a QuickBooks Pro advisor.

LiveCA of Toronto, Ont., received the 100-Percent Xero Award. It was founded as a virtual firm in September 2012. Its partners are Josh Zweig of Toronto and Chad Davis of Halifax. BNA CPAs & Advisors was chosen as the Emerging Partner of the Year. Based in Rock Hill, S.C., the firm calls itself one of the 25 largest users of Xero in the United States, and was founded by Bernard Ackerman in 1977.

Jay Kimelman, owner of the Digital CPA was named most valuable professional. The Digital CPA was founded in November 2011. Amanda Aguillard of New Orleans, La.-based Aguillard Accounting was chosen as Xero Evangelist for 2016.

Other awards can be viewed on the Xero website.

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