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Former Abila CEO Takes New Job

 Krista Endsley, Cantata HealthKrista Endsley, who headed Sage’s former nonprofit software business and later Abila, has become president of Cantata Health. Based in Hauppauge, N.Y. Cantata  also hired Jonathan Isaacs as CEO at the same time Endsley joined.

Endsley had worked at Sage (including under its Best Software name) and payroll software company Abra, which Sage had purchased, since July 2001. She headed the Sage NFP business as SVP from June 2007 until it was spun off as the company, which was soon named Abila.

She held the Abila job from March 2013 through March 2014. Abila was then purchased by the newly formed Community Brands in April 2017. 

Cantata provides a wide range of services in the area of revenue cycle management. It was created in March 2017 when private equity firm GPB Capital purchased NTT Data’s healthcare software assets. 

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