Brian Tankersley CPA.CITP

Gadgets & Gizmos for Accountants - Episode # 1 - The Amazon Kindle 2

Sources of Free Books for the Kindle:

Convert your own files to a Kindle-compatible format using the free Mobipocket Creator (

Most websites designed for mobile phones will work with the Kindle's experimental browser. Some which are particularly useful to road warriors are:

The Google offerings for mobile phones, including Google Reader, GMail, and Google Calendar are particularly useful on the Kindle's limited browser.

The charger for the Kindle2 is a micro-USB connector. If you already have a mini-USB charger or a mini-USB cable which you would like to use, a Motorola mini-USB to micro-USB adapter is available through Amazon at (

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SaaS Offerings for CPA Firms

Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings for CPA firms have been slowly emerging from the shadows, and are now front and center for many categories. Although the risks of any solution should be understood and evaluated before deploying any solution in a production environment, many CPA firms do not understand how the points of potential failure associated with SaaS applications are fundamentally different than the typical points of failure associated with traditional, on-premises applications.


SurePayroll or SureChoice

SurePayroll is a solid, mid-range web-based payroll product targeted at companies with fewer than 100 employees.  While it has a nice combination of ease of use and features for companies on the higher end of the range, 90% of SurePayroll's customers have fewer than 20 employees.   The product is marketed and sold using Direct (Retail) and Accountant/Wholesale models, and offers an impressive number of add-on services for benefit plans, human resources, etc. The retail (direct) payroll offering is called SurePayroll, and reseller and referral offerings through accountants are branded with the SureChoice name.


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