
Richard Oppenheim CPA

Taking a Look at Windows 7

Windows 7Despite all the rumors, the folks at Redmond keep their pipeline active with new products, upgrades, and lots of ways to request a little, or a lot, of your time and cash. In October, 2009, Microsoft released Windows 7, its latest and greatest operating system since it first leased DOS to IBM in 1981.


eBooks: Population Growth

Nook ebook readerAmazon is not alone anymore. The Kindle eBook now faces lots of “me too” products that all fit under this same category. The Nook from  Barnes & Noble, Sony’s eBook Reader, Que from Plastic Logic are a few. By some estimates there are as many as 30 eBooks to hit the shelves this year, not including Smartphones and computer based programs. A few companies, like Marvell are reengineering the creating the chips needed which should continue to drive the price down to under $200 and lower.

Mobile Professionals and the Shrinking Scanner

Plustek Mobile Office D428 ScannerPlustek has reduced the size of scanning with the MobileOffice D428. At 4x12 inches, the scanner is a very portable color duplex scanner. The D428 is roll feed so that it can scan any single page or smaller document. Its size makes it easy to travel with in a car office, or at a client site for audit support, or a private meeting with a tax client to scan papers in the old shoe box. Read more...

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