Bob Scott

Bob Scott

Anchin Picks NFP Leader

 Accounting firm Anchin has made Brian Sackstein a partner in the firm’s Services Group and Leader of Anchin’s Not-for-Profit and Healthcare practice this month.


TurboTax Live Revs Rise 17 Percent

Revenue for TurboTax Live, which enables users to ask a tax pro questions, grew by 17 percent for Intuit’s year ended July 31. Meanwhile, full-service customers, who opt for assistance tax preparation more than doubled, Intuit said in its recent earnings webcast.


TurboTax Live Revs Rise 17 Percent

Revenue for TurboTax Live, which enables users to ask a tax pro questions, grew by 17 percent for Intuit’s year ended July 31. Meanwhile, full-service customers, who opt for assistance tax preparation more than doubled, Intuit said in its recent earnings webcast.


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