
Geni Whitehouse CPA.CITP, CSPM

Review: Now is the Time for Workflow Tools

Now is the time to consider automated workflow tools. It probably seems odd to be talking about workflow tools right after tax season -hasn't that horse already left the barn? The only flow most of us are thinking about at this time of year has nothing to do with work. It involves an ocean view and a beverage flowing into a chilled glass. Read more...

REVIEW: Sales and Use Tax Products

Superheroes are all the rage in Hollywood. We've had Batman, Ironman, and soon the Green Hornet featured in action-packed adventures on the big screen. I like to think of sales tax vendors in a similar vein. Without these vendors, we would be at the mercy of rogue tax authorities, with their unwieldy rate changes, jurisdictional gerrymandering and dastardly dizzying product classifications. We would lead dark and dreary lives filled with daily tax rate lookups, rule validation, and infinite audit adjustments. Thank goodness we can reach for the red phone when we get overly taxed.



Review: Document Management - Bringing Order to Chaos

When it comes to documents, many accountants used to be prime candidates for a spot on the television show “Hoarders.” Their offices were filled with stacks of folders and nothing was ever thrown away. Cluttered desks became something of a trademark. Thanks to new technology and paperless offices, what used to be physical mounds of paper have become virtual mounds of electronic records. Sometimes the information stored in those electronic mounds can as hard to find as holiday decorations in a California garage.


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