Xero On Air, a series of videos, is being offered next month to Xero’s accounting and bookkeeping partners. The videos will be available September 14 through 17.
New episodes will be released each day with more than 30 available during the week. Registration is free. The sessions will be led by CEO Steve Vamos; business leader, David. Thoday, professional and leadership coach, Ben Crowe.
Episodes include “We've got your back —Xero data guides recovery”, which includes data on the state of the global small business economy with a focus on lessons learned to guide recovery; “The Global Economy—What we know & what we are learning” and “Towards 2030—The technology that will shape the small business economy” with Xero’s chief technologist Mark Rees envisioning the most significant technology for small businesses: Augmented intelligence—its impact and the opportunities.
Bob Scott has provided information to the tax and accounting community since 1991, first as technology editor of Accounting Today, and from 1997 through 2009 as editor of its sister publication, Accounting Technology. He is known throughout the industry for his depth of knowledge and for his high journalistic standards. Scott has made frequent appearances as a speaker, moderator and panelist and events serving tax and accounting professionals. He has a strong background in computer journalism as an editor with two former trade publications, Computer+Software News and MIS Week and spent several years with weekly and daily newspapers in Morris County New Jersey prior to that. A graduate of Indiana University with a degree in journalism, Bob is a native of Madison, Ind