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2008 PCPS/TSCPA National MAP Survey Closes Soon

The window for participation in the "gold standard" survey of our profession is about to close! I've long been a proponent of the PCPS in general and the National MAP Survey in specific. The results from the survey are important and meaningful, and when compared and correlated, the data speaks very loudly indeed!

The 2008 PCPS/TSCPA National MAP Survey will close on Friday, July 11.
What to do? First: join PCPS -- it's a great deal. Second: take the survey. Then, as a PCPS member participating firm, you will receive a firm-specific, interactive report with results tailored to firm size, region/state and other relevant groups. I understand that nearly 1,000 firms have already completed this year's survey -- don't miss your chance!

You can access the survey here:
The Progressive Accountant
Greg LaFollette, CPA.CITP, is the executive editor of The Progressive Accountant. He has been involved with public accounting for nearly 40 years and to ensure he stays completely current with the needs of the practicing accountant, he is also a senior manager of tax and technology consulting with Top 25 firm Eide Bailly LLP.
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