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TaxWorks Gets Significant Rewrite

taxworksTaxWorks is coming to market for 2012 tax software with substantial changes. The product, owned by RedGear Technologies, is getting a new look and a browser-based interface while keeping the historical five-pane return screen.

"It's a whole new platform. It's been made it a lot more flexible," says Alan Haacke, a spokesperson for the Kaysville, Utah-based company. The program opens to a home page with a dashboard that includes tabs such as the administrator and new client tabs. There is also an efile dashboard with which "You can tall immediately how many rejects you've got. Your acknowledgement for everything is at your finger tips," says Haacke. Below that is a to-do list and in the center column is a recent work list that keeps a history on clients and can show such things as "the date and time at which they were last closed," he notes. The page also provides an RS feed from the TaxWorks program that will have industry, state and federal news and program alerts.

The five-page work screen carries forward items such as the hover feature which will display information from the prior year's return when the cursor is place above it. The bottom right pane features the summary. "From that summary, you can go in and you see an earned income credit that has been calculated, any child care credit and total AGI," he continues. "It will tell you the amount of refund and tax due."

New is the Client Card which is accessible via the Client screen. "On it, you have every bit of information you have about a client," Haacke says. Information includes client profiles and pictures can be attached to the card. "If you have a taxpayer with five dependents and one gets a job and wants to file independently of the parent, you can click to create a return for this dependent," "The system carries over all the information on that dependent from the prior year." And if a preparer needs to change a taxpayer's address, "You don't want to change address on prior year returns," he continues. The system will apply the new address from that day forward without touching prior records.

Also getting a rework is the Re-narrow Screen" which hyperlinks to past forms and enabled the user to toggle between those and the current return. "Now you can back as far as you need. It can access the complete history," Haacke says.

TaxWorks' Star program, designed for working with simple tax returns, has been replaced with QuickKey. Star was suited for preparers with clients whose returns required a small number of screens such as a main screen for the taxpayers, one for dependants, another for W-2s and one for the Earned Income Credit. However, if a client turns out to have added a sole proprietorship, the QuickKey can be utilized to add forms and states to simple returns on a per client basis.

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