Scott Cytron

PR 101: Lessons From Reality TV

As a society, we tend to remember media coverage of negative events rather than the positive ones. That’s why the world still likes reality shows; these forums accentuate the sensational side of the human condition rather than the intellectual and informational component.


Death by PowerPoint

PowerPoint iconHow many times have you sat through a seminar or conference presentation that was totally boring? Chances are, PowerPoint had a lot to do with the cause of your frustration. Whether you're presenting to an audience of 100 or at a one-on-one prospect meeting, you can use PowerPoint to help get your "point" across. This technology works quite well, even in smaller venues, but can be quite deadly if used the wrong way. Read more...

Taking a Targeted Approach to Social Networking

networkingOn a personal level, social media offers an easy-to-use platform to share information and connect with friends. In business, we are just now beginning to understand and grasp the value of using such networking sites, especially in the accounting profession and business marketplace.

Most of the time, accountants want to know what kind of ROI they can expect; time spent on non-billable functions must relate back to growth. Still in its infancy, social media offers a practical means to build business and turn prospects into clients or customers, while building knowledge and holding discussions that directly relate back to our work.

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