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Documents Still Need Managing

We all know that data is being generated every second of every day in every location around the planet. Outer space management will be discussed at some future time.

You already know that the piles of documents have exploded out of the letter and legal sized metal filing cabinets. We need to be smart about what people and firms need to do, such as:

  • Define a document and know whether it needs to be saved or discarded
  • Provide storage space for paper is an issue that requires sense and sensibility
  • Provide storage space for digital documents with planning guidelines and rules
  • Implement ways to locate and retrieve documents, wherever they are and in whatever form
  • Enable document access has to be available from any wired or wireless connection
  • Implement access controls for security, privacy and ease of use for the authorized

The first response to the question – “Why Use Document Management Software?” needs to come from you. If you are not concerned about documents and management, something is very odd. Perhaps you have hibernated beyond anyone’s reach. If still among us, paper, ink, printers, computers require both time and money. Even when documents are digital, both time and money are part of your calculation formulas. While you may never get to the promised life of ‘paperless’, Firm office, home office, car as office all require solutions to how to locate and access document information

It is likely that you have viewed and reviewed document management products with features that you need. Just in case, this article provides a little information about products to consider. As you review your needs, please remember to:

  • Map your needs to product features
  • Understand pricing for software, storage, updates and support
  • Create a timeline for implementation and us
  • Assign responsibility for implementation AND product management after installation
  • Keep eyes and ears and brain focused on getting the job done correctly

The needs of the many – clients, vendors, partners, staff, government agencies, banks, and the well-known other – all need to have an eye focused on what can work as we all evolve to meet the future. The companies are listed in random order.

Cabinet Safe 
Cabinet Document Management (formerly Cabinet NG) 
Madison, Ala. 
(800) 621-6501 


Cabinet Safe 
Safe is available either as licensed software installed on your server space or hosted in Cabinet’s secure, private cloud. Either version is configured with each installation, creating a tailored solution for any organization. It’s your office, your workflows, your processes and your culture — you can go paperless.

Cabinet Mobile 
Mobile document management software allows Safe and Safe Cloud 8.5 users to interact with their documents directly from an iPad (using a native app). View information on screen. Make edits.

Doc.It Suite 
Las Vegas, Nev. 
(888) 693-6248

Doc.It Suite is a scalable suite of a wide range of document management products for accounting firms with 2 to 300 users. Doc.It Suite streamlines workflow as firms gather, process, store, and deliver documents. Doc.It Suite is used by over 9,000 accountants throughout North America. From a Main Dashboard, you can switch to any of the modules such as inbox, search,  scan and organize, policy manager, work binders and reports. The suite also provides for in-house, cloud and mobile access.

FileCabinet CS 
Thomson Reuters 
Dexter, Mich. 
(800) 968-8900
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Thomson Reuters 
Whether you're a one-office firm or a multi-office corporation, Thomson has a wide range of digital document management systems.

  • FileCabinet CS
    Designed for accountants, this robust document management system lets you securely store all of your documents digitally, so you and your staff can access, view, or send them in an instant.
  • GoFileRoom
    Designed for accounting professionals, this web-based, scalable document management software allows you to experience a more simplified workflow, more concise organization, and the convenience of being able to access your software whenever you need it.

Intuit Document Management System 
Mountain View, Calif.
(800) 765-7777 (Lacerte) 
(800) 934-1040 (ProSeries)


ProSeries Document Management System supports the storage and access to critical files faster, easier and securely. Easily store and retrieve electronic documents on your PC, so you don't waste time or space storing hard copies of client documents in filing cabinets. This product is an integrated add-on solution for Professional Edition or can function as a stand-alone program.

ProSystem fx Document 
Riverwoods, Ill. 
(800) 739-9998\


CCH ProSystem 
CCH Document is a complete document management solution built specifically for accountants in public practice. This application attempts to reduce the costs associated with creating and storing paper documents, which should result in an environment where staff is able to work together more efficiently and enable staff members to shed the dependence on physical pieces of paper, allowing access to any document from any location.

In addition, CCH Document automates document retention and, thus allows for the implementation of consistent firm-wide retention policies. These policies ensure that documents are retained for mandated periods of time and then disposed of properly.

With strong integration between CCH Document, Microsoft Office and other CCH Accountants’ Suite applications, the accountant is provided an electronic repository for all documents within the firm. This improves workflows, lowers costs for storing documents, and increases staff available time to generate additional revenue or provide additional services.

SmartVault Corp. 
Houston, Texas 
(866) 674-6785


Smart Vault 
With SmartVault, you get more than just a cloud drive – you get a secure and easy-to-use online document storage solution for going paperless and working in the cloud. SmartVault is working with many popular business application providers to integrate online document storage and easy file sharing capabilities inside the apps you are using today.

SmartVault is the only solution for QuickBooks Online that lets you attach and view source documents including receipts, bills, invoices and employee files to more than 20 types of transactions in QuickBooks Online.

DocuXplorer Document Management Software  
Archive Power Systems 
New York, N.Y. 
(888) 246-9696

DocuXplorer is designed for organizations of all sizes. The multi-language document management solution is available in English, Spanish and Arabic. Designed to secure and manage the lifecycle of documents, records and images as well as email, faxes and other paper or electronic files, DocuXplorer is a state-of-the-art document archiving product that your small business cannot live without.

DocuXplorer’s document management system offers customers a comprehensive and customizable desktop software and web based solution for securely and affordably managing your documents. With a proven track record for boosting productivity and making businesses more profitable, DocuXplorer’s document management solutions have been praised by clients small and large for years.

Doo Gmbh 
Bonn, Germany 
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Doo is the one app for documents. It lets users access all their documents, wherever they keep them, and automatically generates intelligent tags to help users find any document in seconds. The cloud-based solution with native apps is currently available for OS X, Windows 8 and Android. An app for iOS is coming soon, and further Windows versions are planned. Users can connect their local document folders on their devices as well as online services.

After hooking Doo up to your local folders, simply connect it to your email account, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. Doo will let you access all documents using intelligent tags to find everything. For flexibility, doo can also synchronize your documents and all the latest changes to them directly via the doo Cloud. So, no matter what device you use to access your documents, you will be working with the current version.


Digiscribe International 
Elmsford, N.Y. 
(888) 294-1965

Your scanned documents and electronic files can be processed automatically and centrally stored for immediate retrieval, sharing and management. This is accomplished through your combination of cloud-based document management services, in-house document management software, and workflow automation services.

Digitech Systems' Enterprise Content Management software suite provides a powerful and affordable way to capture, store and securely access your organization's documents and critical information including electronic files, digital images, e-mail, print streams and paper documents. Companies of all sizes rely on ImageSilo and PaperVision Enterprise to run their organizations more efficiently and more profitably.

Digitech Systems' suite of electronic content management software can be cloud-based or licensed as an in-house document management system. It is available as a fully-integrated suite or as process-specific components to match the needs of all businesses from the departmental to enterprise-wide level.

Mumbai, India 

Globodox is a scalable, Windows-based document management software that enables medium or large organizations to securely manage and share documents. Extremely easy to deploy and use, Globodox is used by customers in over 50 countries.

Globodox features an integrated set of tools that lets you scan, index, search, secure and share documents and keep an audit trail. Using workflow, Globodox helps you route documents electronically to help you automate your business processes.

Other file management products

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