Ira S. Rosenbloom

Maximizing the Potential of Busy Season

Busy Season brings with it tremendous opportunities to generate improvements for your firm, your clients, staff and associates. It is called Busy Season for good reason: the issue is, are you busy with the right things both strategically and procedurally? Here are suggestions on some areas of strategic focus that will yield improvements that all will welcome:


Tuning Into the Voices in Your Practice

We live in a world where voice recognition and voice activation are greatly appreciated. No matter what the size of your firm, voices play an important role in the well-being of your organization. Many practitioners are convinced that they know what is being said about their firm, and run their practice accordingly. But, it is important to hear what actually is being communicated, both internally, and to the outside world.


Ready for Your Best Tax Season?

For most accounting firms, the most significant component of their production and revenue will come from busy season. Managing the responsibilities and challenges that come with each tax season does not become any more pleasant or fun from year to year, but it can be much more rewarding each year if you look at tax season as a business, in and of itself.


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