Nonprofit Technology News

Does the Cloud Forecast Change for NonProfit Fund Accounting?

2015 NPTech News Fund Accounting Special ReportThe availability of robust nonprofit software solutions in the cloud means there are more choices for organizations as they look for new fund accounting software solutions. With the entry of cloud applications to compete with on-premise solutions, does it make the decision-making process more complex for nonprofits as they look to replace aging systems or systems they have simply outgrown?

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Fund E-Z Accounting 9.0

FUND E-Z Accounting Base System Version 9.0 ( is a multi-module affordable system which can take care of all of your accounting and fund raising needs in a single application. FUND E-Z can track funds, general ledger accounts, create allocations and budgets. This system has a “drill down” feature which allows users to move through multiple layers of detailed reports into the source transaction and edit and fix errors. The fixed reports will refresh instantly. Another nice and unique feature is the audit checker which tracks modified and deleted data by user numbers, date and time stamps. This feature is essential if you have multiple entities that require joint reporting to ensure all data is correct and error free.


Cougar Mountain Software Professional FUND 2009

Cougar Mountain Software CMS Professional FUND 2009 ( is designed for non-profit organizations that need basic general ledger fund accounting, and is the latest version.  This release has added features which enhance the software for the accounting for non-profit organizations. Read more...

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