Gene Marks

Do You Need a BYOD Policy?

mobile devicesSocial media. Cloud computing. Gamification. SaaS. Social CRM. Virtualization. Mobile. Every year we hear of the latest technology issues facing small business owners like me. And now it's BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Everywhere I read in the tech world it's BYOD.


For 2012, The Cloud Got a C+

cloud cryingHas this ever happened to you? You're sitting in an airport (in my case at the moment it's the Philadelphia airport) and you try fruitlessly for an hour to connect to your cloud-based server because that's where everything is nowadays. It's in "The Cloud." But...uh-oh...the router or something isn't available. And neither is your Verizon 3G-or-4G-or whateverG-service. You're dead in the water. You've been there, right? That's where I am right now. Luckily, I'm able to do something else. I have a local version of Microsoft Office installed on my laptop. That way I can write this essay. Maybe you're that fortunate. Maybe you're not. Chances are you've been rendered, once again, unproductive. Read more...

Turn CRM into More than a Rolodex

crm art"We hate our CRM system. It's terrible. No one is using it. We need a better one." "Can you recommend a CRM system that is more user friendly?" "Our CRM system? It's nothing more than a glorified rolodex!" Sound familiar? It should. I hear these complaints all the time - both from clients and non-clients. Their complaints about their CRM (that's Customer Relationship Management) systems are not only untrue, but misleading. I'm tired of hearing them. I'm bored of the excuses. I'm sick of the whining. Read more...

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