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Tablets, Take 2: Enter iPad 2

Apple iPadThere may be a few folks who still believe that tablets come from the pharmacy. They are not paying attention. As accountants pay attention a lot - here is some data to use as part of your review of the tablet world. On March 9, 2009, AAPL was $83/share. On March 9, 2011, AAPL is $352/share. Whether you are an Apple fan, Apple hater or just do not care, Apple products continue to make a significant impact on how people use computing and technology. The introduction of the iPad 2 Tablet was covered by every category of news service, blogger, even Steven Colbert. All accountants need to consider why or why not the Tablet has a place in their technology world.
Most of you are using a smartphone rather than a cellular or landline phone. The screen size of the iPhone4 is 3.5-inches with 960-by-640-pixel resolution at 326 pixels per inch. The iPad Tablet (1 & 2) has a screens size of 9.7 inches diagonally, with 1024-by-768 pixel resolution at 132 pixels per inch. Using a smartphone to read email, watch a training video, review a spreadsheet, read a report requires a certain amount of squinting and scrolling to get the whole image. The larger iPad makes all viewing a lot better, easier and more accurate.

At this moment, the iPad is not a phone. Therefore, it is not a tool for making and receiving calls. On the other hand, when you travel, what work do you accomplish on your six-pound laptop computer? Today, if you need to do spreadsheets on an airplane, write your next book at the coffee shop, or handle banking and investment transactions in a doctor's waiting room, you will need the capabilities of the notebook. However, the Tablet technology is worth reviewing based on what you do when.

If your mobile life is based on interactive emails, reading documents and books, watching a video - even a movie or two, the Tablet at $600 to $800 can make a very effective addition to your technology arsenal.

A few notes to remember: the Apple iPad universe has direct access to over 400,000 apps, a catalog of over 14 million songs, links to 50,000 TV episodes and countless numbers of books, digital eBooks and audible. Then there are the graphics capabilities. For $5, you can add the iMovie App with its precise editing tools, three-track audio displaying waveforms; audio fades in and out, visual effects, titling and other video creativity controls. Take the picture or video, edit, and then distribute to YouTube, websites or before you get back to the office.

So, how do you want to compute in 2011? If your tasks include images, reports, reading and communicating, the iPad 2 should be in your target range. One word of extreme caution, if your home life includes children, you need to be aware of the addictive attraction that iPad apps have on anyone chronologically younger than you are today. Disney Digital Books ( just one example.


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