Richard Oppenheim CPA

Google Apps is Smart for Business

Google logoThe mobile life, especially for professionals, is required. The frequency of communicating within any of the hours on any of the seven days is increasing. Working from distant locations such as another city or state has increased. So, whether communicating is with staff, client, family, friends or contacts, mobile technologies are already in use and more is on the way. Read more...

Video Delivers Your Message

Communicating began with sounds - roars, chirps, grunts and so on. Early Homo sapiens did a lot of grunting but started communicating in more detail with pictures on cave walls. Ever since, pictures have been an important means of communicating messages, ideas, and entertainment.


Tablets, Take 2: Enter iPad 2

Apple iPadThere may be a few folks who still believe that tablets come from the pharmacy. They are not paying attention. As accountants pay attention a lot - here is some data to use as part of your review of the tablet world. On March 9, 2009, AAPL was $83/share. On March 9, 2011, AAPL is $352/share. Whether you are an Apple fan, Apple hater or just do not care, Apple products continue to make a significant impact on how people use computing and technology. The introduction of the iPad 2 Tablet was covered by every category of news service, blogger, even Steven Colbert. All accountants need to consider why or why not the Tablet has a place in their technology world. Read more...

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