Richard Oppenheim CPA
OoVoo Video
- Saturday, 12 September 2009
OoVoo is a funny name for a company. It’s serious service is to deliver a simple tool to support video communication. What should be no surprise is that there are two options, free and premium for a fee. After installation, ooVoo provides easy access to the world of video calls. It has a feature to test the settings on your Webcam. When that is done the simple way to begin is to connect with a fellow ooVoo user. With the free version, this should not be difficult.
The free level supports one to one conversations. The premium version supports up to six concurrent users. This could be very effective for team meetings and client calls. If one of the participants on the call does not have ooVoo installed, you can set up a web interface on the ooVoo server so that the user can sign in to a specific URL and be connected on the call.
A Device to Give You Many Charges
- Wednesday, 19 August 2009
Software as a Service (SaaS) Back to the Time Sharing Future
- Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Once upon a time, long, long ago, there was a world, almost forgotten now, where only a few people knew how to type. Since then, computer use has grown exponentially and the range of computer device sizes would make a clothing store proud. Almost everyone is learning how to type so they can, if they choose, use some small percentage of the hundreds of thousands of computing applications available.
One of the ways we used computing applications back in the 1960s was dubbed “Time Sharing.” This system enabled the use of a terminal (keyboard and paper or keyboard and monitor) to send an electronic signal from the terminal connected to a telephone modem connected to a telephone line that would support transport through telephone cabling to a modem connected to a large computer in some other location. Time-sharing gave users access to applications and computing power that could be used as needed. Fees for this service were typically determined by minutes of connect time or on some contractual basis.
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