Richard Oppenheim CPA

17 Steps to Better Netiquette

There are rules governing socially acceptable behavior. Unfortunately, not everyone follows the same set of rules. In some places, fighting is acceptable, in other places, shouting is expected, and in other places everyone is courteous and polite and cares about the other person.

It is clear that being a competent professional is only one of the fundamentals leading to success. More and more, practicing socially acceptable behavior complements and enhances all business, technology and accounting skills.


Vertex’s 2008 Sales Tax Rate Report Reveals Escalating Rate of Change, New Record-High State Tax Average.

People in Government are promising change. When it comes to Sales Tax, change is happening. Last year I interviewed the folks at Vertex, Inc. and continue to be impressed with their system and services. Vertex just issued a report about change: in 2008, 554 US cities changed their sales tax rates, including new taxes and increases to existing rates. Read more at their web site. If Sales Tax is on your radar screen, make sure you vie the The Progressive Accountant’s webinar.


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