
Richard Oppenheim CPA

Google Apps on Parade

google logoWhen the world does a computer based search for anything, the word Google pops up as a verb, a noun, a resource. Search was the foundation for Google’s creation, meteoric stock price rise and the capacity to do almost anything. Google is continually expanding its reach. This time the reach is into and through the SMB universe.


Financial Apps on your Mobile Phones

Smartphones have already grown beyond any reasonable expectation of slow and steady wins the race. These handheld computers are delivering everything from entertainment videos to games to email to news to personal and business oriented applications. These applications give users support for doing all kinds of business operations and personal activities. Smartphones are not just about making the call, playing the game, and getting map location and directions.


CES Tidbits; 3D, Docupen and Lexmark Printer

CES logoTo 3D or Not 3D?  The hot topic at this month's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas was the coming oversupply of 3D televisions. This technology is moving from the movie theater into the home. There is not a lot of 3D content today so these screens will also show 2D, HD, Blu-Ray. For 3D, special viewing glasses are required. As these products are rolled out, the question for the consumer is simple – “why buy?” Price today for a 42” model is  around $10,000. Sony has stated that by 2012 30 percent to 50 percent of its TV sales will be 3D.


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